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SSC STENO Exam Smart Learning - Videos & Notes
SSC STENO Exam Smart Learning has videos, study materials, notes and other help keyword wise and topic wise from large pool of knowledge.
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A brief outline of the SSC STENO study material content is as under
1.1 Reasoning Tests
1.1.1 Direction and Distance Test
1.1.2 Classification (Odd Man Out) Test
1.1.3 Coding-Decoding Tests
1.1.4 Series Test
1.1.5 Relationships Test Blood Relationships Test Coded Relationships Tests
1.1.6 Alphabet Test
1.1.7 Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test
1.1.8 Mathematical Operations
1.1.9 Logical Word Sequence Test
1.1.10 Cubes and Cubical Dice Tests
1.1.11 Data Arrangement Test
1.1.12 Data Sufficiency Test
1.2 Logic Tests
1.2.1 Syllogism
1.2.2 Statements Conclusions Coded Inequality
2.1 Problems Based On Symmetry
2.1.1 Problems On Mirror Images
2.1.2 Problems On Water Images
2.1.3 Completion Of An Incomplete Pattern
2.1.4 Problems On Paper Folding
2.1.5 Problems On Paper Cutting
2.2 Problem Based On Visual Ability
2.3 Classification
2.4 Series
2.5 Analogy
1. Parts of Speech
1.1 Noun
1.1.1 Kinds of Noun
1.1.2 Gender
1.1.3 Number
1.1.4 Case
1.1.5 Rules
1.2 Adjective
1.2.1 Kinds of Adjectives
1.2.2 Degrees of Adjectives
1.2.3 Rules
1.3 Pronoun
1.3.1 Kinds of Pronoun
1.3.2 Rules
1.4 Verb
1.4.1 Different Kinds of Verbs
1.4.2 Subject Verb Agreement
1.5 Adverb
1.5.1 The Kinds of Adverbs
1.5.2 Comparison of Adverbs
1.5.3 Some Rules Related to the Use of Adverbs
1.6 Preposition
1.6.1 Rules
1.6.2 Short List of One-Word Prepositions
1.6.3 General Rules Regarding Certain Prepositions
1.7 Conjunction
1.7.1 Classification of Conjunctions
1.7.2 Some Important Rules
1.8 Interjection
2. Articles
2.1 Kinds of Articles
2.1.1 The Indefinite Article ‘a/an’
2.1.2 The Definite Article ‘the’
3. Tenses
3.1 Classification of Tenses
3.1.1 Present Tense
3.1.2 Past Tense
3.1.3 Future Tense
3.2 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form
4. Punctuations and Capitals
4.1 List of Important Punctuation Marks
4.2 Rules Regarding Usages
4.3 Use of Capital Letters
5. Idioms and Phrases
5.1 Idioms
5.2 Phrases
5.3 Clauses
6. Sentences
6.1 Kinds of Sentences
6.2 Subject and Predicate
7. Active and Passive Voice
7.1 Active Voice
7.2 Passive Voice
7.3 Rules for Changing the Voice
7.4 Transformation of Sentences-Voice Change
7.5 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form
8. Direct and Indirect Speech
8.1 Direct Speech
8.2 Indirect Speech
8.3 Rules for Changing Direct into Indirect Speech
9. English Vocabulary
9.1 Antonyms
9.1.1 Strategies for Antonyms
9.2 Synonyms
9.2.1 Strategies for Synonyms
10. Fill in the Blanks
10.1 Types of Fill in the Blanks
10.1.1 Logical Fill in the Blanks
10.1.2 Paired Logical Fill in the Blanks
10.1.3. Grammar Based Fill in the Blanks
10.2 Strategies for Fill in the Blanks
11. Cloze Test
11.1 Strategies for Cloze Test
12. English Usage Errors
12.1 Types of Errors
12.1.1 Error in Subject Verb Agreement
12.1.2 Error in the Tense or Form of a Verb
12.1.3 Error in Subjunctive Mood
12.1.4 Error in Comparison
12.1.5 Error in the use of Adjective for Adverb or Vice-Versa
12.1.6 Error of Parallel Construction
12.1.7 Error in Diction or Idiom
12.2 Types of Common Errors
12.2.1 Common Errors in the Use of Articles
12.2.2 Common Errors in the Use of Nouns
12.2.3 Common Errors in the Use of Pronouns
12.2.4 Common Errors in the Use of Adjectives
12.2.5 Common Errors in the Use of Verbs
12.2.6 Common Errors in the Use of Adverbs
12.2.7 Common Errors in the Use of Prepositions
12.2.8 Common Errors in the Use of Conjunction
12.2.9 Common Errors in the Use of Tenses
12.2.10 Common Errors in the Use of Modals
13. Sentence Improvement
13.1 Strategies for Sentence Improvement
14. Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph
14.1 Strategies for Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph
15. English Comprehension
15.1 Types of Comprehension Based Questions
15.2 Strategies for Comprehension Based Questions
1. General Knowledge (World)
1.1 Books and Authors
1.2 World’s Great Structures (Building)
1.3 Calendars
1.4 Countries
1.4.1 Countries and their Capital
1.4.2 Countries and Their Emblems
1.4.3 Countries and Their Parliaments
1.4.4 Lines and Boundaries
1.4.5 Minerals and Producing Countries
1.4.6 Major Industrial Towns
1.4.7 Major Riverside Cities
1.4.8 Tribes and Races
1.5 Currencies
1.6 Music and Dance
1.7 Disasters
1.8 Famous Places of World
1.9 Famous Personalities
1.10 First, Largest, Longest of World
1.10.1 ‘First’ in the World
1.10.2 Important Geographical Facts
1.11 Inventions and Discoveries
1.12 Languages
1.13 Religions
1.14 Wars
1.15 Weathers and Climate
1.16 World organization
1.16.1 United Nations Organization (UNO)
1.16.2 The Commonwealth
1.16.3 The Non–Aligned Movement (NAM)
1.16.4 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
1.16.5 European Union (EU)
1.16.6 Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
1.16.7 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
1.16.8 G-7 (Now G-8)
1.16.9 Association of South-East Asian Nation (ASEAN)
1.16.10 World Trade Prganisation (WTO)
1.17 Statistical Data of World
1.17.1 Census of world
1.18 Prize and Awards
2. General Knowledge (India)
2.1 Books and Authors(I)
2.1.1 Indian Authors (English)
2.2.2 Ancient Classical Authors
2.2 Dances(I)
2.2.1 Classical Dance of India
2.2.2 Folk Dance of India
2.3 Famous Places
2.4 Famous Personalities
2.5 First, Largest, Longest(I)
2.5.1 Record Makers (India)
2.5.2 India’s Superlatives Structures
2.6 Music(I)
2.6.1 Hindustani classical music
2.6.2 Carnatic music
2.7 Religions of India
2.8 Sanctuaries(I)
2.9 National Symbols (I)
2.10 Statistical Data of India
2.10.1 Census of India
2.11 Prize and Awards(I)
2.11.1 National Awards
2.11.2 Other Awards